Safe to Work ?!?!

By 04/26/2020Uncategorized

Science is about truth It is about facts, data and inference from what we already know.  Its not meant to be convenient, or what anyone wants to hear/.   So after political blah blah, we have scientists giving their best advice based on truth as they know it.  Here is what a scientist is saying about re-opening the country and getting America back to work.  Good news!  We can do it.  We even know how to do it safely while protecting the lives of the American people, you remember, the ones our government is supposed to serve.   Because I know you want to hear the truth, here it is.  

We can send everyone back to work with minimal testing and kill them.  That is the cheapest, most expedient and costs multinational corporations less lost revenue and downtime.  This is true.  But the right way, the moral way, and the way the scientists your tax dollars have supported all this time are telling us, is with massive testing.  And we can do this.  Its an investment in saving American lives, possibly yours or someone you love.   If you agree, pass this along to everyone you know as well.  It is the truth as far as I can see from what little info I have available to me.  I agree with every word he said.

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